Keeping this review short and sweet, I'm assuming 80% of you guys are frantically reading reviews while hungover to find the best choice.
Two friends and myself were feeling extra crappy in our room after a full night of partying and decided it was best to schedule and in room service. Half-awake, I did a quick Google search and called the most credible service which happened to be Hangover Heaven. They charged my credit card over the phone for the out call fee and after a short while we heard a knock on the door of our room. *cue heavenly angel music, but not too loud, we're hungover*
Quickly (and quietly) they went over the terms and conditions and gave us paper work to fill out.
They began to ask us basic questions:
How many hours ago was your last alcoholic beverage?
Rate 1-10 your level of nausea
Rate 1-10 your level of anxiety
Rate 1-10 your level of headache
Yes or no question; have you indulged in any other substance?
Then they get to work. Extremely professional, very aware of our issues, and very understanding of us being total babies. During the entire time they kept on asking our levels of nausea, anxiety and headache; and kept tweaking our IV bags with the necessary concoction. It was amazing, they left and we were all at level 0 for everything, and fully energized despite only having 3 hours of sleep. Definitely doing this again.