| - I recently had a laptop die on me - the processor cooling fan stopped working - and, of course, I could no longer get to the data on the hard drive. And although I'm a bit computer literate, I did not have the tools or equipment needed to get the data off the old hard drive. I checked around about getting the fan replaced, but the cost was in excess of $500! I wasn't concerned about the price, but finding someone to do it was just not happening.
I posted on NextDoor to try to find someone locally to fix the old machine, and I got a response from Andy at CloudBringers. He said that it would be a better option to to data recovery of the old drive, and he gave me his phone number so we could chat. I did a bit more checking and realized that getting a new machine and doing data recovery was the better option, so I called Andy and we talked about the process.
Andy was by far the best person I could have dealt with on this. He was patient, explained everything in a way that even a computer-literate person could understand, and he gave me every possible option that I needed to make an intelligent and informed decision. Could not have been better service!
Anyhow, after taking the weekend to think about it, I called Andy back on Monday and scheduled the data recovery. He came to my house and picked up the old laptop - which, by the way, he recycled for me at no cost! - and then less than 7 hours later dropped off the old hard drive AND a USB stick that contained every piece of critical data I had to have retrieved. Total cost for the recovery? About $110. And that includes the cost of the 128 GB USB stick he gave me. He also told me that if I find there are files missing that I could just call him back and he'd come out and dig through the hard drive again at no additional cost.
If you've got issues and need backup or recovery, this place is where to go. I'm lucky to have found these guys, and would recommend them to everyone!