New management started out a bit rough when Olympus purchased Vistara from Mark Taylor.
However they have gotten much better and are adapting to the big task of running an apartment complex.
Now to explain why I'm giving 2 stars.
This place has a serious bug problem!!
I can not state this enough.
I'm not afraid of bugs, nor do I dislike our little legged friends.
However; the bugs that are a problem are not the safest type.
When we first moved in (about 8 months ago)
We kept finding large Wolf Spiders in our apartment. Not just one or two spiders, but upwards of 30 of them over a 2 month period.
Having a small dog in our place, made me stressed that our little pup could be bitten by one of them witch can be fatal in small breeds.
After the wolf spiders thinned out, say hello to large field Cock Roaches.
Now keeping our apartment very clean we assumed this would never be an issue. So very wrong we where.
Over another 2 months we have found and killed 50-60 cockroaches (this might be an underestimation)
Now I wasn't to worried about them, but when the misses has 1 fear and it's these brown shelled buggers, it's not a fun problem to have.
The least problematic pest we had are crickets.
These where just annoying more than anything.
But finding up to 100 of them in 3 months (dead or alive) became tiresome.
Now coming to our 8th month what do we have now??
BARK SCORPIONS! YAY! The most common but also most venomous scorpion we have in Arizona!
Hopefully these are a RARE find!
Management sends pest control every Wednesday to our apartment and so far it's not doing anything.
We appreciate that, but for nearly $1400 a month for a 1 bedroom it's not enough.
Can NOT wait to leave this complex.
Highly do not recommend living here!