If the food weren't so good, this Chipotle would represent my idea of one of the nine circles of Hell. Enter on the wrong weekday evening during peak dinner hours, and you will feel like you're stuck in the middle of a daycare center. Little kids run around as if they're in a McDonald's Play Place, but since there is no play area, they're just running around the restaurant. If you're picking up food at this time, do yourself a huge favor and order it online to-go. The 27 minute line (I'm not exaggerating; I timed it on my cellphone) is to be expected at 6:30 on a Wednesday night, but the crammed crowd and noise was pretty hard to bare. Parking is also a regular pain at this shopping center.
I am not a kid hater. I also understand that these issues are not entirely Chipotle's fault (which is why the place still gets four stars). It's the parents job to keep their kids in line and it would be a PR nightmare for any company to try to do something about it. But if you perfer to be in an environment without children running around like it's recess, then you may want to give another location a try. There's quite a few other Chipotles just a couple of miles away.
The saving grace is my love for Chipotle's food. It's the one fast-food option my girlfriend and I regularly agree on when we're too lazy to cook and not in the mood to dine out. Everything is fresh and tasty. The extra charge for stuff like guacamole is annoying. But Chipotle delivers great food at a good price, so I'm more than willing to put up with the headaches to get my delicious burrito.