I was disappointed by this office and particularly with Dr Patel. A friend had recommended this pediatrician even though we already had a great pediatrician but we wanted to give it a try just to make sure we weren't missing out on the best care for our son but that turned out to be a mistake and a waste of time. I am a stay at home Mom and I am with my child all the time and knows how smart he is and that he is on track. He loves to do puzzles, stack blocks, he paints, colors, scribbles, etc. When we sat down to count how many words he actually says it was over 80 words most of which are pretty clear. Our son does say two words sentences but not as much. However he just turned 2 years old a few days ago. Our son could run and climb pretty well at 13 months but we saw other kids who couldn't yet. Does that mean something was wrong with those other kids? Patel every attempt was to try and put words in our mouth as far as how many words our son actually says. Dr Patel said he wasn't hearing our son speak during the 15 min office visit but never at any time asked our son any questions or tried to interact with him. During the visit our son was energetic, spoke just a little, and was interactive as he typically is. He even tried giving the dr a hi five a couple of times and the poor dr just stared at him blankly. Our son loves people. He also absolutely enjoys running as well as playing in his sandbox outside. My husband is an attorney and is very interactive with our son in terms of teaching him how to follow instructions and reading to him. We will tell him go pick out a book to read or put a bottle in the recycling bin and he will. I will call him from another room and he responds. He does hears and responds to our commands. Since my husband and I are highly educated reading is fundamental in our home but when Dr Patel heard our response that we do read to our child he didn't seemed pleased because he expected us to say no we do not read to our child so he could then lectured on us what we are doing wrong and what he knows to be best since that is all he pretty much did during the dr appointment. He also desperately kept trying to diagnosed our son with something. When he couldn't find anything he then diagnosed our son with delayed speech. Patel didn't even take the time to listened to our responses and instead cut us off each time. Every child is different having their own unique personalities and should be treated as such not like just every other patient. Most of Dr Patel suggestions actually contradicts every online resource that I have read in terms of the techniques of teaching, communicating and disciplining our toddler. Though we are first time parents we have plenty of experience when it comes to kids. Had there been an issue with his hearing or speech I'm certain that not only would we have discovered that earlier as is parents but his previous pediatrician would have also. I was shocked upon on our first visit Dr Patel never even quite addressed our concerns that we have with our son eating and sleeping habits but he however continually insisted that our son needed a hearing test. Keep in mind that our son never failed his hearing test that he had at birth either. And not at any time did we expressed concerns with his hearing or speech. I felt they were quick to diagnosed and do a referral when they were no plausible reason to. It makes me wonder if this quick to diagnose approach is with regards to money (kick backs) as oppose to actual dr concern. Patel was also insistent that our son get speech therapy and on the prescription it indicated he needed therapy once a week for 4 months. Keep in mind that Patel isn't a speech therapist and at the time our son was never been evaluated by a speech therapist. Update our son does not have a hearing issue or needs speech therapy as a matter fact other heath care professionals were pretty shocked that Patel had this diagnosis. After looking at his educational background I wasn't surprise. Again I want to point out this was our very first visit to Dr Patel with our son. Dr Patel also had the audacity to tell us that explaining right or wrong to our son is ineffective because at this age he simply will not understand and that taking away a toy from our son is a poor disciplining measure and its also mean. My husband and I explains things to our son all the time and he responds and seems to understand. Patel also said "time out"doesn't work at this age but then told us we need to say no 1, no 2, no 3 then put him in his play pen. Then he also proceeded to tell us that ignoring our son is the best form of disciplining as well as locking him inside of our car but with the AC on and one parent standing up outside as a measure of disciplining. I was shocked that a pediatrician would suggest an abusive approach in disciplining a child.