| - Ah, fangirling/boying at its finest on most of these reviews so far.
Ghetto flowchart on if you should read on or not:
1.) How obsessed with Brit Brit are you?
a. "zOMG -- SO in lurves! Btw, I totally named my cat after her. In fact, if I was in her security entourage I would easily take a shank from an umbrella to the buttocks for her." STOP HERE - DO NOT READ.
b. I admire her artistry at a moderate level and admit she was fairly attractive at one point in her career. SEE #2.
2.) Define 'artistry.'
a. Wearing semi-secksy costumes when ur body isn't what it used to be pre-birthing to 2 kids (don't hate -- just stating facts people), dancing like you don't give a shit about your audience & u tire of your routine because your choreo sucks anyways, using pre-recorded tracks is the norm for u and your pseudo-spontaneous audience interaction is all completely preconceived. STOP HERE - DO NOT READ.
b. Possessing real talent, charisma and stage presence. YOU ARE SO IN THE RIGHT PLACE BRO(SEPHINE).
I don't hate Britney. I'll have you know that after seeing POM I remembered how much I secretly enjoyed her records from Blackout-current so I currently have: Blackout, FF, BJ, and volume 2 of her remixes on an MP3 CD sitting in my car's dash. Do I bang that shit in my FIAT and rock out? You can bet your pretty little princess behind I do. Would I recommend POM? Hell no, unless you aren't good at following flowcharts and fall into either level 1a or 2a of grossly obsessed fans from above. Most of my issues with POM are outlined in 2a - just a very mediocre "show" for what you pay for. I paid $115 for section 204, seat J3. I would have rather spent that $$$ betting on the Canadian curling teams in the sportsbook. +REP to the gal in section 204, seat H1...homegirl was going hard the whole time and she was putting on a better show than the headliner.
See -- I can appreciate the fact that there's some of you that would still 5* it up even if Brit was in pajamas and walked around in a circular path on stage playing Darude's Sandstorm on repeat for an hour and a half using a vuvuzela with a band comprised primarily of kazoos. But for the folks that want to be entertained and truly engaged with the performer...POM is utter garbage. +1 star for semi-wild costumes ("Everytime" dress was amazing -- flapping your arms with excessive apathy while lip-syncing was not) and sorta intriguing staging. Another thing that disappointed -- the electronic vibe was lacking with all the rock renditions played throughout the show. FACT: a well-layered electronically derived kick cannot be replicated by an analog bass drum. Trust me, I've done some sound engineering in my previous life; sound system kicked ass though.
Britney on a record? Yes please, and twice on the eighth day of the week. Britney as a performer? No thanks, go home Brit Brit. You look tired and obviously are trying to show you earned your $30mm contract with as little effort as possible.