Not sure where to start...... The good, Ita was great.
The bad. First off there isn't even a sign to tell you where this place is at, its a building with some offices and thats it. I walked into the "office" and was greeted by a guy across the hall in a different office and he asked if I was here for a massage, so this confusion of where to go must be common. As I sat to wait to be taken into the massage room hoping that it was going to be across the hall because where I was sitting was surrounded by a bunch of people and kids making a ton of noise. Guess what? I was wrong. I was taken into the room right across the hall from the noise makers. Nothing but loud people yelling laughing and slamming doors. You can hear kids running and laughing the whole time, so much for being tranquil. The owner of this place should be ashamed of picking a location where you share an office with a bunch of loud obnoxious people. Never go there. Ita please find a job somewhere besides this place.