| - A couple of years ago when I was working phone support for a certain streaming service, I got a phone call. To my surprise, it was THE Teller talking to me on the other side of the line. I'm not a star struck person by nature, but I was surprised to hear his voice (as he's the silent partner in all of their programs), and more so, to find his voice to be so kind and soothing. Long story short, I helped fix the issue his device was having and we went our separate cellular ways. Needless to say, I've to this day continued to talk with people about that funny phone call.
And so, it was quite a pleasure seeing Penn & Teller perform at their home show in the Rio casino.
The performance was stellar.
Penn knows how to work a crowd and is quite the comedian, while Teller plays the adorable role of silent vaudeville.
They did some traditional parlor tricks, performed some oldies but goodies, and experimented with some new show cases as well. There was hardly a moment during the performance I wasn't entertained. Even from way up in the risers, it was a great and often times astounding performance.
The duo's libertarian, skeptical, and patriotic ethics shine through in their show. I enjoyed how they could awe me and explain how the magic works without taking the joy out of it.
Post show, Penn and Teller patiently took pictures and signed autographs for all who were in want. It's refreshing to see performers have such a joy in what they do, even after thirty five years.
Over all, a great experience that has brought me an even higher appreciation of the two of them!