This my favorite day club in VEGAS! It beats marquee day club in my opinion :).
The male lifeguards are so hot!!!! :)
Always contact a promoter to get on the guest list! :). You need a 1:1 to get on the guest list. Of course, girls are always free. Yup, it's nice to be a girl in Vegas! Guys will pay a reduced price :). Pretty good deal.
I went and saw Steven Angelo! It was awesome! I love being able to dance in the pool. Theres room for everyone in the pool! It's not as small as Marquee's day club. :).
The drinks are decent! Sometimes there are bottomless mimosas for girls (free until a certain time) :). It depends on the day though.
I also went in early April and there were no DJs performing... It was just okay. I definitely recommend only coming when there's a DJ performing (which is all the time since it's summer!) Don't come when it opens for the season haha.
The line has always been short for me since I'm always on the guestlist.
The locker fee is only 10 dollars. Super cheap!
Don't put your phone/camera on the side, pay that 10 dollars fee to keep it in a safe place!