| - Is there anyway to give less than one star? Or even negative Stars?! I just wasted my time in their drive-thru for 15 minutes.
Not sure if the girl at the window was having issues with her headset or what, but I had to repeat my order three times I'd also heard the people in front of me repeat their orders so I made sure I spoke loudly on purpose.
Then she mumbled my total, and when I asked her to repeat it there was no answer.
I honked my horn, I yelled at the top of my voice "hello" and was completely ignored, I even tapped on the microphone, still no response.
Then I saw one of the girls coming out to a vehicle, so I yelled out, "Excuse me!", to her.
It was quiet enough that I heard my voice echo through the parking lot, yet she blatantly ignored me and continued walking. Finally I just left and noticed that there were still three cars ahead of me waiting at the window. From where I sat I could see into the booth, and all I could see where people rubbing their eyes and no one with a headset. I don't know what's going on, and I hope it's just a fluke, but that service was completely unacceptable!