7:30 Monday night. Called in our order to Antonio's located in the Shoppes at Parma. We ordered a Deep dish pizza for 16.50, and Antonio's combo for 14.75.
I want to start the review by saying that the Deep dish pizza was PRE MADE and we could not add or subtract from it, Although it was good, this completely killed it for me and there is no way I would consider coming here again, as I do not play the pre-made pizza hut game, it has no place in the "authentic italian food" scene if you ask me.
Now on to the Antonio's combo - Again The wife called in the order at 7:30, and got there very early at around 7:40 (ten minutes later). She immediately noticed that there was a to-go order sitting there the entire time she was waiting. Turns out 20 minutes later as they brought the pizza out it was in fact our COLD Antonio's combo. So apparently this is a big microwave pizza place, and to top it all off, the timing was so bad that ended with half of our order @ room temperature.....unbelievable! And all this for 32 bucks??