| - Really Bad & Rancid
That should be the new name of this place.
DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY. Don't believe the Health Inspection score...someone is sleeping with the inspector. The girl scooped the coleslow out using her bare hands and the cup that it was served in. Egg salad was rancid and inedible. Desserts look like they were rotting in the deli case...the eclairs no longer had the chocolate sauce but what looked like butt crust and totally deflated.
CONFUSED. When you walk in there are tables, chairs, salt and pepper shakers, and a trash can so you can eat in. But there are signs posted that say "DINING IN IS PROHIBITED BY MECKLENBURG COUNTY" (or something to that effect...kicking myself for not taking a picture with my phone). I saw the sign and I did not open up my eyes...I saw the sign...
DIARRHEA. What I totally expect after only taking three bites of my salad. One bite of each the chicken salad, egg salad, and tuna salad in my sampler. Thanks for an $8 restroom run.
Side note - my coworker said his sandwich was actually ok, but is afraid of the coleslaw he ingested. I will never, ever, ever, ever go back. EVER.