This place is amazing. We stayed at THEhotel for a few days, and I availed myself to a myriad of spa services, from an ayurvedic herbal bath to a collagen facial.
The bath was amazing, I felt so cleansed and purified afterwards, and I typically don't go for that whole hippie thing (though I'm a total sucker for baths, and have been to a few genuine bath houses (as in bathing) in that was just great.
What I really liked about the facial I got was that I had originally been scheduled for a more expensive treatment, however when the aesthetician saw my skin, she commented that it was in quite good shape and that I did not need such an extensive not only was I getting flattered, she as doing it to get me to have a cheaper treatment. I thought that was fantastic.
Not unlike the spas in Baden-Baden, the Bathhouse also has a myriad of differently heated pools in which you can bathe after your treatments. Very refreshing.