| - After reading previous reviews, and other reviews of Value Village, Most were saying that VV overpriced their items. So i was curious to take a look at this location. I went in there not expecting to find any deals. I bypass the clothing sections, surprisingly there were a lot of people going through all the clothes !!
There's lots of books available. There was one kids bike (very good condition), sold already, it was like.. $35.
I just quickly walk through the store... found a pair of skiis, with no price, i asked an associate, they said bring it to them on the side, and they will get a price. I said to myself.. great.. they are going to overprice it because i have interest in it. She comes back in less than a minute with a price tag on it... $9.99!! Not a bad deal!!
A lot of items without price tags!
They had one cashier, when a line up formed, they quickly opened up another cash!! Wow, what service!!
On the side of the building is a drive up donation area. They make it really easy to donate!!
Drive up, the gound rope sensor rings a bell inside, they come out to help. So easy!!
Staff is friendly, the guy that came out even said - have a nice day!
Overall a good experience. Next time i will spend a bit more time and browse a bit longer.
Lots of parking in front!!
4 stars for today's experience
3 stars for not having price tags
Hope to do a follow up review soon!