| - It's pretty much a carnivore's dream here. They have various cuts of pork, beef, with some marinated chicken breasts. They even have a whole turducken in the freezer section for the ultimate poultry feast! They have a wide range of fresh, frozen, and smoked products, and chances are you will find something you will like to take home (Whether you had planned it or not!).
We came here in search of fresh bacon and some sausages. They have an extensive selection of summer, smoked, and snack sausages in various flavors. They sell 2 different kinds of bacon- applewood and hickory, both double smoked. In addition, there is a varied selection of raw meats, treats, smoked pig parts, and organ meat for your dog.
Non-meat wise, they have a good selection of wine and beer, various hot sauces, bbq rubs, oils (Including avocado oil), and bbq sauces. They also have a fine selection of various smoker wood chunks and chips, including woods such as cherrywood, applewood, hickory, etc.
The cuts are big here, so go here if you are looking for a hearty meal to cook!
We got some applewood smoked bacon ($8.99/lb.), a pound of Andouille smoked sausage ($6.99), and a smoked pig snout for our dogs ($2.99). The applewood bacon has a lot of moisture in it, so cooking times will be extended to make a crispy piece. The taste was OK, but I prefer The Pork Shop's bacon to Von Hanson's. Von Hanson's bacon was more salty, which hid more of the natural flavor and smokiness than bacon at The Pork Shop. Still, Chandler is a lot closer to us than Queen Creek, so we will be frequenting Von Hanson's for freshly cut meats and pork products!