I absolutely HATE this league.
I can't explain enough how much the owners and managers DO NOT CARE about obligations to members EVEN some that have been around for 8+ years.
You can sign up for Rec and be put in Rec plus or even higher where it is NOT FUN and you are DEFINITELY out of your league.
I have asked MANY times for refunds and they can't because of "policy".
YET, if you don't show up to play your games you will just get charged MORE $ for defaults, I've never seen a league that wants more of your money every second they can.
I've tried over and over to be nice to owners, managers, and people and to JUST put me WHERE I SIGNED UP.
I WANT TO BE IN REC NOT ANYWHERE ELSE because I know that's where I should be. I don't give an f*** about the terrible analytics that will tell me different.
I would never tell someone to sign up for this league.