We so wanted to love Keader's. We've been waiting for them to open for weeks. Hopefully tonight's experience can be chalked up to being very new.
My chicken panini would have been just ok, without too much flavor, but they packed it straight off the press naked into a plastic to go box. Without anything absorbent in there, the bread was soaking wet when I got home to eat. This has got to be just a rookie mistake, right?
The mushroom Brie soup was delicious and the bowl was pretty big too.
The triple cheese cauliflower tasted like mild cheddar and flour. Not terrible by any means, but I was hoping for a little more sophistication.
The chop chicken salad is in my fridge, I'll try it later. Looks fine.
The two soups and salad all came with a side of bread, and after talking options and suggestions with the voice at the drive thru, we came up with three breads to try. Unfortunately the bag at home only contained the ciabatta. Ciabatta is fine but it was the least interesting of the three, and was looking forward to trying a variety of the breads.
This place is RIGHT down the street from my house and open until ten, so I'll probably eventually give them another shot. I really hope tonight's wrinkles have been ironed out by then.