| - Oh, Cafe Kopi. I want to love you, I really do, but I'll be damned if you ain't something that works better in theory than in practice.
Kopi is really quite lovely inside; the smells are wonderful, the decor is pleasing. The drinks are generally at least satisfactory, sometimes downright excellent (the cafe miel, when done well, is heavenly). The food is good, especially the lox and cream cheese on a bagel. Umph. God, so tasty. I come from Washington, so I know good salmon. The prices are a little higher than I would like, but then I am poor and cheap, so you might not want to trust my judgment in such matters.
I really, really can't get right with the atmosphere in this place, though. I've tried, but no dice. Sometimes I'll step inside expecting to sit and read for a half-hour or so, but I never follow through with that desire; except for those times when I've been with friends, I've never stayed longer than it takes to order and grab my drink. First, there are the 20 gazillion students with laptops, which would not make me so grouchy if I didn't constantly encounter solitary people taking up all the room at tables meant for four or more with their prodigious crap. Put some of that shit on the floor. I promise that your bag is not going to suffer hurt feelings if it doesn't get to sit in the chair across from you. Second, the service here is pretty iffy. Every third member of the staff is friendly and helpful. The rest display this cold, huffy Midwestern Hipster variety of unpleasantness that makes me grind my teeth. Having your order taken by some guy in cutoffs and boat shoes who remains silent and stares at the wall during the entire transaction is a shitty experience. Come on, dude. You're picking up my napkins and washing my plate after I leave. You're not better than me.
So, I dunno, I'm torn. On one hand I love the fact that there's a place near my apartment where I can duck out of the cold for a few moments and get a hot drink, and on the other hand I hate that the vibe in said place is unwelcoming.
But lord almighty, that lox.