I REALLY wanted to love this place. I love coming to Kensington to get my meats and seafood so I thought why not start getting my cheese here too.
I started small. I got a tub of freshly grated parmesan cheese and some brie.
The prices were so reasonable - that much parmesan for only $5?! I would pay that much for a third of that at Loblaws.
When I got home and opened the tub though, OH MY GOD. It stank. I thought maybe that's how fresh parmesan from the cheese shop is supposed to smell like and I added it to my alfredo sauce...thus ruining the entire sauce. My condo stank like feet for the entire night. I had to throw out the sauce I made :S
I threw out the entire tub of parmesan as it seemed like it had gone bad. It was a very deep yellow colour and there were some clumps that didn't break apart anymore (apparently signs of spoiled grated parmesan).
I had a similar problem with the brie. It was just so stinky and bitter. Maybe it's just me :S
But I don't think I'll be coming back here.