Good quality and decently priced Vietnamese food tends to get harder to find when you get into the deep burbs of Calgary. Unfortunately Vietnam Palace delivers only one.
The restaurant is tucked away in the Creekside mall near the Co Op. The upholstery throws you back to bad decorating decisions of 1995. Their decorator must've thought floral seat covers and curtains would make a huge comeback.... Lol
Despite its charming coverings, the food here is actually pretty delicious and plentiful. The broth is very rich in beefy and spicy goodness and I leave full every time. However, I can't justify $12-14 a bowl if I can get an equally good bowl of noodles off center street for $8.99, which I don't live too far from.
They have a buy 2 get 1 free deal, but after doing the math, it still costs you more to eat here than at most other Vietnamese restaurants.
I think if you're in the area and don't want to venture too far for a good bowl of pho but want to remember what your mom's old couch used to look like, Vietnam Palace does the trick but you just have to be prepared to the 30% convenience fee.