found this place while thumbing through the 'local guide' in my hotel room. ordinarily, i immediately disregard any restaurant or attractions recommended in these things, as they are typically relegated to businesses that have spent a ton of money on advertising, which somehow seem to be the worst type of establishments. however, 'neapolitan style pizza' caught my eye, and i checked it out on yelp for some validation. after seeing so many positive reviews, i gave it a try.
this is great, true neapolitan style pizza, with great ingredients and perfectly cooked crust. it's got a good char on the bottom, firm on the outside and barely there in the middle. perfect. i knew the pizza was gonna be great when i went to pick up the pizza at the bar and saw two men speaking in heated italian nearby.
i got takeout, and the pie held really well in the commute back to the hotel room. good size and reasonable price for any 'real deal' neapolitan pizza joint. i will definitely be back