Dawn is a superstar at keeping my car happy which is the only reason they are getting three stars instead of one.
I got to the dealership/service center at my appointed time and walked in. There is no check-in area per se. One just stands around and hopes to be acknowledged eventually. It took about ten minutes before I was acknowledged. Not so much can as a, "Hi. It'll be just a few minutes." I came in because my antenna broke and my side mirror popped out. I had the mirror with me, stashed in the side pocket of the vehicle. I explained this over the phone when making my appointment as well as when I checked in for my appointment. At check-in I was mildly scolded for missing some kind of hidden alert feature. I was told that I would be shown what it was, and my mind would be blown. Ummmm... How about we have a light that comes on and stays on? Doesn't that seem easier? Okie dokie.
When I came back 9+ hours later to pick up my vehicle, I paid for the antenna install only to discover once I got to my car that there was no antenna on or inside the vehicle and the side mirror was still missing. Come to find out that they forgot to install the part (it was later given to me in an unopened box), and they had ordered a side view mirror because they "didn't have one on hand"... Ummmm... I have the part, and it just needed glue. C'mon!
The receptionist had major attitude when asked by an associate to refund my money... She told him to hurry something up because she was supposed to have been gone already because she had family in town. I get it: that sucks. But, maybe take him aside or something? How is that professional? I tried to be nice and apologize for keeping her, but she mostly just snorted and whined. Okie dokie.
Edit (10/24/15): it's worth noting that my car was clean and well-serviced in the midst of all of this.