I went to Flict after a move to AZ. I had been growing my hair out to donate and since I am so active with outdoor activities it was important to me to be able to still put my hair in a ponytail. My old hairdresser told me where I needed to grow it to and what to tell the new person when they cut it. I told him I needed 8 inches cut off for donation. (children with hair loss takes 8 inch or longer donations)
To my surprise he cut it dry and didnt do any ponytails of any sort. Usually I get it in 2-3 ponytails after a wash. He didnt protect the hair, it just laid there floating around. The worst part is he cut of 13.5 inches dry. As I was walking out someone gave me a brown paper bag for me hair. I am happy to donate any amount of hair, but after I grew it out for so long it was heartbreaking to see my hair treated in an awful way. I also had asked for no layers as I have crazy think hair and I do not enjoy them and I had so many layers I didnt even know what to do with it.
I am finally at a place that my hair is back to where it should have been after the cut, but never again.