Recommend you receive copies of invoices to which you are charged. Make sure you are very clear on what you authorize them to charge your credit card if you use one as well as when, and also get a receipt. For some reason they thought that they could just charge the same credit card they used for a down payment when they thought the project was complete. Ask every detail on exactly what they are doing, what they are responsible for etc. No supervisor ever comes to your house to check what has been done or the quality and they didn't even know what was completed or done.
Know how much materials are being used as the supervisor never came to the house and made up what was used; wouldn't even send a redacted invoice of materials ordered to confirm that any were really orderd and they didn't just use your materials you provided. Amazing that they couldn't show proof of the materials they orderd and all they had to do was white out the monetary info is there was any. Makes you go hmm. Mike is great at misleading what he says and writes; especially since he was NEVER involved in the transaction; only fabricated and adlibed what he heard. I would NEVER recommend this company based on their managment and adminsitration practices. The workers that came to my house and actually did the job were extremely nice. Just wished they would have told me when they were removing fixtures and bathroom items. My son found this out when he went to use the restroom and parts were missing and removed and he couldn't use it. Had to call this company and none of them had any clue these items were removed except the worker at the house.