Food Quality & Price: Echoing the reviews of others, the quality of the spaghetti here is okay. This time, I ordered the Blue Cheese Farfelle with Chicken and it was a pleasant change from the usual. Would probably get it again the next time I go. Prices are decent. No complaints about the food, though it wasn't exceptional or anything.
Facility: Cozy, warm and family friendly. The lighting is dim so it could be romantic for dates, however, everything is quite crowded and the ambiance is very noisy. I could hear the entire conversation of the couple seated about two feet away from us (we were seated in the trolley).
Service: Average. The waiter was enthusiastic but it's pretty much as average as you'd expect. He checks in once in a while to see if everything is okay.
Overall: If you've read the other reviews, you'll understand why the Old Speghetti Factory scores a resounding "eehhh" across the board. It's nothing remarkable but makes a good third or fourth choice if you have no where else to eat.