| - What a disaster. We flew from San Francisco to London, stopping on Philadelphia. We had requested a special diet for a meal without dairy. For a 9 hour flight, you need something to eat. There was no special meal. It was requested 6 months in advance, 1 month in advance and a week in advance, on the phone and in writing. With no food, I became physically ill. So we contacted U S Airways again to make sure I would have a meal. Called again. Wrote another response. No meal again. The stewardess were terribly upset. They found a banana, orange and salad. Then they gave me a snack that you would normally pay for, no cost. They informed me to complain to U S Airways. I did. The representative blame me for not having a meal. I should have requested 24 hours in advance. I requested repeatedly and more than 24 hours in advance. I wrote back and said, how dare you blame me for your lack of care. I haven't heard a reply to that communication. If there is a reply, I will update. Swiss Air can do it. Other foreign companies can, why can't American companies do it? They don't care, I believe.