Damn it feels good to be a gangsta... I heard that song last time I walked in. The guy that made my sandwich kept rubbing snot off his nose and didn't wash his hands. He asked me if I wanted the wiz or if I was a skirt... Can you call a girl a skirt....?.... I went with the wiz wanting to appear like a educated philly girl. It was gross, really gross. The meat tasted freezer burned and so did the fries.. Slathering the crap in cheese wiz only made it more apparent that I was going to have a heart attack before finishing it. Don't eat here, you'll be sorry.. Your stomach will drop kick you over and over. Cheese Wiz is gross.. They have other things on the menu, like greasy grease sloshed around in cheese, or for a healthier version you can add grease soaked mushrooms and peppers to your cheese soaked brittle bun. Warning - Only skirts do that. When you go to Corleones you wanna be a gangsta. Ok maybe not.. but I did want to cap the bitch that frightened me into ordering the wiz..