| - It is with heavy heart to say that if you want the best care for your child or children, this is not the place to go. We began going to Bright Futures about 2 years ago, and received OK care-nothing to rave about. We initially saw Dr. Minuskin and Dr. Ontanillas and they were very nice, responsive, and attentive. Our appointments were scheduled when we called, but always seemed to get lost in the system upon check-in. That was not much of a big deal to us, as long as our son was being treated well and our questions were addressed. But then, things started to go downhill about a year ago. On our last visit, we took our son to have his skin checked out. We were worried he was showing signs of what we thought was either an allergic reaction or something else because of the sudden lightening to his pigmentation. Upon arrival, like normal, we were called in and they took our son's vitals. We were then ushered into the exam room. After quite a long wait (over an hour), we saw a different physician, Dr. Weber, who came into the room without paperwork or our son's chart. The physician was dismissive and proceeded to nonchalantly listen to my husband who was providing details on existing issues on what could be related to the concern we had that day. Because this physician had no chart, notes weren't taken. No documentation. Nothing. The physician simply disregarded everything we said and basically told us to wait it out and use different lotion. When my husband finally asked for a referral to a dermatologist, we were told to go to the front desk. So we did. The front desk said they would take care of it. We also asked for the office manager to please call us so we can discuss our visit that day. The front desk said they would relay the message. Two weeks or so later, no referral and call from the manager. I called the office to follow-up and they simply told us that we could have just gone to a dermatologist and that a referral was not needed. I asked why we weren't informed of that when we were there asking for a referral. No response. Then I asked about the office manager and if I could speak with her/him. They told me she was busy, but I can leave a message. Fast forward to today. approximately 4 weeks after our initial visit. No call back from the manager. I guess our concerns don't matter.
Bright Futures, thank you for your service over the past 2 years, but I think it's time to cut our ties so you are able to better serve families other than ours. Oh, and please be sure to update your voicemail and information on your website and elsewhere. There is conflicting information about your office hours. We would have informed the office manager of this, but oh well.