I like the Light Rail. Just wish it went more places. From my house I can walk 10 minutes to the nearest stop, and from there go to Harkins fancy new theater at Christown, do some shopping while I"m there. Or do a day off of Phoenix Art Museum, the Heard Museum, lunch at Fez, down to City Center. Some days it's fun to go down to Mill Ave and wander. Sadly, Snottsdale denied the light rail a home, so I have to drive to work (or take my bike on the rail and then ride my bike for another 20 minutes uphill)....I may as just well bike the whole way.
Great value, $5 for a day pass, ride it all you want. Don't understand the crabby attitudes of some of these reviewers. Drive your gas guzzler all you want and stay off the light rail if you hate it so much.