I don't get the four star rating for this place.
I mean first off it's a McDonalds. If you're rating the food of the Moldy Arches in general as four or five stars there's something wrong with you and not in a good way either. To quote Darrell Hammond as Sean Connery from Celebrity Jeopardy: "Boy, you might be legally retarded."
With that out of the way let's talk about the "museum" itself.
Sure some of the displays were neat with the sauce gun that looks like a Nascar pit crew could have used it to grease some ball joints and the displays with the different packaging & advertisements that were a nice trip down memory lane but not at the expense of getting too close for comfort with other people eating since the displays and actual eating tables are awkwardly too close together..
In the end what they offer really is NOT a museum and to use that name is at best a misnomer and in reality is probably closer to false advertising. Sure there are some unique nuggets of info that you will ooh and aah over but by-in-large it's a waste of time especially considering how much hype/advertising exists making it sound like there is more here than there really is.
Oh and by the way, obviously it is still a functioning McD's. While I'm sure most would eat here no problem we were skeeved beyond belief at the filth factor. Upon entering the first thing I noticed was not the giant Big Mac buried back in the play area so as to almost be hidden, no I noticed that all three of the front garbage receptacles were over flowing with trash. Upon a quick trip to the bathroom let's just say that it wasn't exactly any better in there either.
So no, we did not partake in a Big Mac at the Big Mac museum and no we were not wowed by what we saw. Thankfully we were in and out in under ten minutes but it's ten minutes that I wish I could get back to do something more creative with like.....fall off the roof of my house into a pool of dull razor blades.