| - One of the best Greek Salads north of the city. Ingredients include iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, pitted olives, celery, egg, cucumber, green pepper, feta cheese, and onions (I ask for without). Ask for your salad chopped and mixed so that you don't have to go through the tedious and often injury provoking behaviour (choking) of cutting your celery or just eating it as is. In addition, ask for the creamy spinach dressing on the side. It's good for a dip here and there.
If you're really feeling adventurous, order a scoop of tuna on the side for some additional protein.
My move: Small Greek Salad tossed and mixed with both dressings on the side. A pumpernickel bagel toasted with cup of cream cheese. When you get the bagel, scoop out the middle, add cream cheese and Greek salad in the grooves and, with your fork, add some spinach dressing for some added flavour. Of course, never leave the middle of your bagel uneaten - it's embarassing. Take the middle section and dip it in the dressing. Amazingness all around.
Go early (before 11am) or late lunch (2pm) to avoid the lines.