Let's start with the good parts of this studio- the facilities are beautiful, lovely studio space, great bathrooms, nice front desk staff and I love Josie's class. I just moved to Vegas and have been looking for a home yoga studio and did the 30$ for a month of unlimited- a great deal! Unfortunately the last class I tried will be my last ever at this studio. I went to Gregs class and had the worst yoga experience of my life. I'm a trained yoga teacher and professional dancer, so I've taken thousands of classes and this is saying a lot. I asked Greg to please not touch me, rather than respect my wishes he responded, "if you would keep up with the class I wouldn't have to" to which I responded "yoga is a personal practice" and he said "if you wanted a personal practice you should have stayed home, you can leave". I was embarrassed and disrespected, I left the class and confronted the front desk staff and the owner later over email. They both apologized, but I needed an apology from Greg. I asked the owner what he would be doing to create a safe space for his students and he has yet to respond three weeks later.