| - So...I've been sort of obsessed with this froyo craze! I first tried it in the DC area at Yogen Fruz about 1 year ago. Then I had Pinkberry about 3 weeks ago on a trip to LA. Since I've been back, I've been completely obsessed, looking online for local places, looking on all these websites to see if they are opening any nearby, etc. Then I found Tasty Yo.
I LOVE froyo, but was not overly impressed with Tasty Yo for a few reasons. When I walked in a guy greeted me. I looked at the toppings and noticed that there were no bananas. I asked him, "Do you guys have bananas?" He said, "No because we tried it out and couldn't figure out how to not let them turn brown and ugly." I didn't wanna tell him how to do his job or run the business, but at Yogen Fruz and Pinkberry they would just take a fresh banana and cut the needed amount out each time someone asked for it. I don't think this is too much to ask for. Banana is just the perfect amount of sweetness to counteract the tartness of the yogurt (without having to add all the syrup and stuff- I like mine kinda plain since it's nice to have a healthy dessert).
So, since they didn't have banana (and I'm always so indecisive about choosing things), I didn't know what to get! It took me a few minutes to pick something since I changed my mind about 3 or 4 times. The guy just stood there and looked at me as I continued to change my mind and made me feel so uncomfortable, so I felt forced to choose toppings that I didn't want. He honestly didn't say anything to me to make me feel uncomfortable. It was the lack of that made me feel uncomfortable. He didn't even offer a suggestion-not very personable. Just stood there and stared at me. After I chose my toppings (that I hated-trust me, I know this is kinda my issue, but he didn't help at all) I noticed a list of suggested concoctions behind him on the wall. But at this point I felt so bad about taking so long that I felt embarrassed to ask him to change it again. I wish he was a little more pleasant.
As for the froyo itself, it tasted great-despite the absence of banana. I was a little disappointed that they don't have other flavors like Yogen Fruz, Pinkberry, or Yoforia (coming soon to South Park and Myers Park). I'm sure they will jump on the band wagon and have more flavors soon.
I like that they are a green company though. And they do give you 3 toppings and a syrup choice with any size. That is a definite plus! And they also offer coupons on their website.
I will definitely be back, but once Yoforia opens up I will probably go there to enjoy their flavor options and their BANANAS!