| - So let me preface this by saying that I actually like this pet store for buying supplies. I have a cockatiel, and this Petland offers a variety of different products that are high-quality and hard to find at the "big box" pet stores.
However, they really don't understand smaller critters. We wanted to get pet rats, and were hoping to get a pair of females. When we called in, they said they had female pet rats, so we came over to take a look. They had a boy rat (caged alone) and a girl "rat" (also caged alone). They took us in back to show us the feeder rats, too, but they'd been caging the boys and girls together and we didn't want to take the risk of getting a whole lot more rats than we have space for. But we didn't like seeing the rats caged alone (they're social critters), so we bought the little girl "rat" without getting a super-great look at her (she's small - they told us she was a baby). When we got her home, it was pretty obvious that she's a mouse. We called back and talked to the other employee, who says he "thought" she was a mouse, but that he might have been wrong.
I don't understand what they thought was going to happen with them? Either somebody would have bought her, thinking that she can be kept alone (not true) or would have put her in a HUGE oversized cage with improper bar spacing (like we did at first, though thankfully we had a setup with better bar spacing). She's adorable, for a mouse, but she's definitely a mouse.
So, to recap: they failed to correctly identify the species of the animal we purchased, which we purchased in part because we felt bad about the conditions it was being kept under. If that isn't the basis for a one-star review, nothing is.