| - You know how most stores have forgotten what customer service means? The employees look at you like you are interrupting their very important gossip session if you dare to ask for help finding an item? Or worse yet, you send an email to a company and never get a response. Ever.
Nordstrom's in Scottsdale is a breath of fresh air that just goes beyond what you even remember about customer service back when it used to be important.
I ordered something that was on sale online from Nordstrom's that was listed as in stock in the Chandler location, which is closest to me. No shipping fees? Awesome! I paid for it and planned to pick it up a few days later when it was convenient since they said on the website that it should be ready within 24 hours. So imagine my surprise when 3 1/2 days later I get a message from some weenie in the Chandler store that says ooops, sorry, but my item is actually NOT in stock there, but it is in Scottsdale if I want to hike the 20 miles or so up there to get it. But she is canceling my order and refunding my credit card. So I get online to check and see what the availability is of this item, and lo and behold, it is no longer on sale! So I am really peeved. I dash off a really nasty email to Nordstrom's explaining the incident and why I will NEVER shop there again if this is how they treat their customers! I really expect the email to go into a black hole and never hear from a real live person, or at least not one that resides in the U.S. Wrong. Within a couple of hours, I receive an email response from a Nordstrom's manager in Scottsdale! She apologizes for the problem and asks for more details. Then she calls me. They have the item that I wanted in stock and will give it to me for the sale price. Where do I live? Could they bring it by this evening around 5:30 pm? WHAT??? Did I hear her correctly? A Nordstrom's employee is going to drive to my house and hand deliver my purchase. My $38 purchase, not a $400 purchase. Why yes, that would be lovely to have the item delivered and 5:30 pm would be convenient for me. HOLY CRAP! Wait till I tell my husband about this!
So right on time, this poor lady who drove at least an hour from Scottsdale to my house, knocks on my door with my Nordstrom's bag (tissue paper and all) and the receipt, making sure that I double checked the item and that it was exactly what I wanted. She is so cheerful and polite that you would think that she had just walked across the street rather than driving across town during rush hour! Bless her heart.
So while I will probably not be getting up to Scottsdale any time soon, I have the HIGHEST regard for Nordstrom's in Scottsdale and their employees, and the manager, Nancy. In fact I emailed her and told her so. And she emailed me back to thank me.