Dr. Noel Chamian should have his medical license taken away. He is nasty and cruel and has no respect for his patients. He is a bold face liar and has no idea about the medication he is prescribing. He will prescribe you medication and the question was asked if it will cause any problems with performing my job, his answer was no. I doubled checked with him again at I was leaving the office, and he assured my again that it will be no problem. Several months later I had to do a physical for my job and they needed a form from Dr.Noel Chamian. He refused to sign it. Told me that he never told me it would not affect my job, Yelled like a banche from hell, that if I don't leave his office he was going to call the police. I never raised my voice to him what gives him the right. WORST DOCTOR IN LAS VEGAS,NV
And his staff is just as rude and nasty.