This place is old. The computers are probably from the early 90s, so if you get a lane on a time limit, you'll probably need 15 or 20 minutes just to figure out how to put in everyone's name. I'm seriously surprised they don't require you to crank them by hand.
I noticed a few of the lanes have some seriously warped boards. Not good if you care about your score.
Lastly, this place is not cheap. It cost me $60 for a family of 5 for 2 hrs of bowling with shoes. Nothing else was included in the middle of the day on a Wednesday. Not a good value at all. On top of that, the AC must of been broken because it was hot and muggy. Bottom line: it was not worth it and just plain not enjoyable. Get into the 21st century and for the love of god, crank up the AC.