| - Ben Franklin would turn over in his grave if he knew that the government service he founded would be expected to act like a corporation. No one asks how much the Pentagon generates in revenue. For less than half a dollar, I can mail a card of encouragement, pay a bill, send a formal thank you note, or stay in touch with an old friend anywhere in the US. Yeh, I know that electronic methods are possible for these activities but one good solar flare would wipe out those options, so I appreciate having an infrastructure in place that could keep the US running.
This is the post office for my zip code. I don't get there all that often since I live on the other side of Tempe and the Mesa Dobson post office is actually within walking distance from my house. When I do go here, the service is quick and unlike the Dobson post office, they actually have stamp machines in the lobby so you don't have to stand in line if your only business is to pick up some stamps.
Every time I see my mail carrier toting a heavy bag of mail in 112 degree heat, keeping an eye out for stray dogs eager to take a bite out of their leg, and actually getting the right mail to the right address, I an thankful that this great service is available.