| - Oh Sienna, how I love you. More obsessed than anything, but that's besides the point.
So there three different stories to this place. Emporio (place to get great meatballs), Mezzo (Italian food), and Il Tetto (rooftop bar area).
Let me start off with Emporio. Now I like to think that I make a damn good meatball, but these people have knocked me out of the park. My usual go to is Saucy Balls. I usually go for the classic beef and spicy pork in the equally amazing marinara sauce (though I like to change it up every once in a while and go for the pork bolognese or government cheese). And of course I have to get the Poutine every time I come (with fries of course).
At Mezzo I tend to stick with their Beef Tartare (which is absolutely amazing), Risotto (always cooked perfectly) or their Veal Polpettes. We typically split a Chocolate Crema Torte if we aren't stuffed by that point. They also have a Pinot that I am absolutely in love with and have to get every time I visit.
Last but not least, is Il Tetto. The rooftop beer garden that is open year round (has some really great views for future reference). This is the place I go when I need a really good cocktail in my life. Or of course, a good beer ( there is a reason they call themselves a beer garden). The bar snacks are pretty good too. A big go to for me no matter where i go is pork rinds, and I must say these are pretty good. The Loaded Fried Potato is pretty good as well (anything with bbq and cheese has my heart).
Service is always excellent and everyone is always so polite and helpful. If you are downtown, I seriously suggest giving this place a try, you wont regret it!