It's a neighborhood fast food joint that's supposed to have good gyros and chicken shwarmas that my friend who lives in the area recommended.
First, I ordered a gyros on a pita with a side salad. Instead of charging me $8 for the dinner plate, he charges me another $4.25 for the salad on top of the $4.25 for the sandwich he rings in separately.
The salad was a mound of shredded iceberg lettuce, a couple slices of tomatoes and olives drowning in a pound of syrupy Italian dressing. The gryos was as chewy as shoe leather - tough like it was old or fried too long (yes, I saw them fry it and not shave it off the core).
Maybe I should've ordered the burger or chicken shwarma like most of the peeps seemed to, but my food was bad and the service shady. There's no way a place like this could serve this crap and stay in business in Chicago or even a more central neighborhood in Toronto, for that matter.