Over the Memorial Day weekend I decided to stop by and check out what's become a legend in it's own way the much faded brand as found a new home on the Las Vegas strip. A new escape from the beaches of Mexico. The venue is split in to two different venues with two different entrances and admissions $20 guys and $10 girls the venue is decently design. The sound system is average not up to par for a venue in Las Vegas the crowd is a mixture something you would find if your in college and on spring break. The music was decent but that shows when the headlining Dj's are Pepito & Pepe. There ok but the musical selection was to predictable.
It doesn't make sense to charge double for one venue,
Room 1 Top-40/HipHop
Room 2 Latin Music.
Its cheap for those not looking to have an Epic time. How ever those who come to Vegas don't want to have anything less then an amazing time. There are other venues that will blow you away and SeƱor Frogs just isn't one of them.