I've seen Manoir through its full transition. Once upon a time, I could go there with friends and expect the place to be empty by 10:30. We'd have the place to ourselves. It was a great place to grab a decent meal with good drink pricing.
Since then, Manoir has turned into a frat house. The food is all reheated/ready made stuff from Costco and m&m. The cheap beer brings about the cegep shmucks, who are fresh out of their parents' basement, to play quarters. They cheer aloud as they spill beer, break glasses and pretend to like UFC to impress their airheaded arm candies.
Sinks are now clogged with the puke from the little angels and, if you're lucky, you can catch one of them sprawled on the bathroom floor. The world is a dizzying place when the allowance you get from mommy and daddy can now get you more booze than you can stomach.
The bouncers are there only to check IDs and look intimidating. When an actual fight breaks out between american eagle and bench, 6'7" bouncer who can benchpress a tercel is just another bystander.
I must, however, acknowledge that pay-per-view UFC events are always on the TVs and I still go there for the terasse.