This may just be the East Coast talking, but I've not had better ramen than this before. I had a hankering for. Ramen because I've got the sniffles and was in Las Vegas for work. A quick Yelp search and flat tire later, I finally found them. The guy behind the counter was gracefully trying to remove a belligerent vagrant as I entered the place. He could have been mean, as she was swearing up a storm, but he was calm and kind, which really made a good impression on me.
But vagrant relations was not the purpose of my visit, so on to the food! I had the karaage (Japanese fried chicken bits - $3.90) and tantan men (pork, miso, and sesame paste ramen $8.95). Both were superb, and the price was right.
My craving satisfied and with no angry homeless people blocking my exit, I left a happy customer.