THIS RIGHT HERE IS THE BEST DAMN FOOD I'VE HAD OUT HERE! Now I'm from the heart of Texas! PROUD SOUTHERNER through and through! So, I am definitely biased when anyone says they're bringing that down home, good ol' fashioned southern style cooking! Papa Jo's, I'm sorry to say, but y'all ain't got NOTHING on MJ's! I brought the same biased attitude to MJ's that I did to Papa Jo's and Lolo's, but MJ'S BBQ took it on HOME! Everything was fantastic! Mac n links..greens...fried brownies wooooo! Good lawd! They make that kinda food that makes you not want to go to any fast food restaurants. You know how back in the day, when your Momma threw down in the kitchen for dinner, but your friends wanted to eat out and you were like, "Naaaaah, I'm good. You already know my Momma cooked." Then all of a sudden, you find your friends sitting there begging to come with you?? Yeah. MJ'S BBQ IS YO MOMMA'S AND GRANDMAMA'S COOKING!! You better read this review and BELIEVE IT! Take yo butt on over to MJ's BBQ and quit playing. I dare anybody afterwards to tell me I'm wrong!