Evidently shredding imitation crab is too much trouble for these guys because now they put the imitation crab in a food processor and grind it up until it's just nasty, mealy mush. The fish pieces weren't fresh either.
I brought my daughter here at her request and spent $62 on all you can eat when there was nothing that I wanted to eat after tasting the first bite. The first thing I ordered was a California hand roll for my daughter and a volcano roll for myself. Her roll came as a cut roll, which I asked them to take back since she is 7 and doesn't eat a whole lot. My volcano roll which used to be the best roll they had, came out as nasty, disgusting, gritty mush with some rice and eel sauce thrown on top. I literally spit it out when I tasted it. I left the nasty mush on the plate and was secretly daring them to question me about it. I then ordered a mexican roll which used to be so tasty with shredded crab and shrimp in a spicy mayo with avocado. Ugh again there was the appalling crab/grit mush in it. After the crab fiasco I decided to start ordering Nigiri. The yellow-tail was simply unrecognizable. It looked nothing like yellow tail, yet when I questioned the sushi chef he assured me it was. Ick! I ordered cajun albacore and was able to enjoy it a little since the ponzu sauce drowned out the not-so-fresh fish taste. I should have turned around and walked out when I first entered the place and it smelled like fish. The icing on the cake to this dinner was when my daughter and I tried ordering Mochi to be told that we can only get 1 per person. Really??? I'm paying $62 for nasty sushi and I can only have 1 effin mochi? I refuse to ever return to this poor excuse for a sushi bar. Just the thought of that night makes me want to erp.