| - There is one major reason I cannot stand Best Buy; and it is a biggie. When you buy something that has a warranty, often the warranty does not cover something minor that you bought with, say, your iPhone. When the defective part breaks, they tell you that you have to apply to some other company in some far-flung place for a replacement. Every time this happens, which is just about every time I purchase something major from Best Buy, I get a giant headache from total frustration due to this bizarre loophole in the customer service zone. Would it really be that much trouble to stand behind everything you sell without ripping the customer off for an extended warranty. In this case, the item is the plastic cover Best Buy attached to my iPhone screen. They would not tell me how to remove the defective one, but they did give me a website address for the company that produced this cheap piece of junk, which Best Buy recommended I purchase in the first place. This is a $25 item. Are they so indifferent to my return business that they are going to piss me off over $25 and ensure that I never spend $2000 there in the future? Or even $200. Most places take the return and send the defective item back to the manufacturer for a credit back to the store.
The line I had to stand in to get these items in the first place was another long, frustrating experience. Stress lurks around every corner at Best Buy. I should have learned my lesson years ago. I officially give up.
So, adios, Best Buy. This is the last time I am going to go home and take a handful of Advil because of your awful, frustrating customer service.