| - I hate to go with a 2 star, but I was just so underwhelmed. Watching the videos, I was prepared to be scared. Appreciating the makeup video, I knew I'd have a shock, a shiver, a jump outta my sneakers. Nope, zip, nothing.
I went last evening (Sat) around 8pm and just missed the rush!
No wait to go in, a brief (10min ) wait to purchase tickets, although I could have purchased them online and avoided the 10 min... But if you don't get a Fast or Immediate pass...don't do it... Not worth it... My wait was almost an hour in a line maze like Cedar Point.
Sure, a cool, creepy zombie passed thru the line to pass time, but heck, not enough of it.
Once in the first house, it only takes about 10 minutes to get through. Zombies jump out at you and bang the walls for effect. Settings and scenes are pretty cool, but in the great scheme of things, TERRIBLY over rated! make matters worse, the groups were pushed through too quickly, so crap, by the time we got to the third house, the group before us was right in front of us, so forget the fact that we KNEW what was going to jump out.... The poor actors didn't have a chance to go back into hiding and we knew where they would jump from, go Game Over.
Can I get my money back... At least half since half if my journey was ripped from me?
When we left, the line was crazy long just to get in, so don't go late and definitely not on a weekend. Not Even worth the Wait!
Pass, next! Not going here again!