| - I pulled in to service entrance, and asked how service person was doing. Answer: "Not good." I shared I had a coupon for $15 off and wanted oil change. I also asked to have fuel filter changed. Service person made over $700 of recommendations, and I took three. But then they forgot to change 2 bulbs, fuel filter and air filter. I reminded him. Brought up my $15 coupon, Tim said "Now you tell me". I reminded him I first said it when I pulled in. he changed the subject to more recommendations on unneeded items, went back to change 2 bulbs. Fuel and air filters not changed, not charged. Lost in the shuffle. Time to pay, mentioned coupon again, sales person showed me dirty differential cap, said he would give one free if I paid for two. I said no, and he left to put cap back in. I did pay Jiffy Lube $4.99 for top off of radiator fluid, but one hour later added a full gallon of coolant to radiator myself.
It was predatory. I felt uncomfortable. It was too expensive. I paid over $110 for very little. They never did take my coupon. I went straight to Autozone and bought an air filter, fuel filter, new radiator cap, wipers and radiator fluid. Did everything myself, only after waiting more than 30 minutes at their shop. Will go to super lube, valvoline or any other place from now on.
End note: They emailed me a request to give feedback, and I wrote this review. Manager called me and said I didn't ask the correct way when using the coupon.