I wish I could take stars away instead of giving them one. I took my 99 Green Corolla to get washed here during their 8AM-10AM Sunday-Thursday 7.99 Deal. So I get out of the car and hand the keys over to the guy who vacuums the car and I closed the door since he was busy with another customer. They washed the car and looked great, so I go to get into the car after tipping the man who dried the car, where is my door handle!? its not there. So I go inside and talk to the manager. The manager said he isnt responsible. I asked for the owner info, he told me he is out of the country and couldnt talk to me right now. After I told the manager I would take this establishment to small claims court beucase I had the vacuum guy tell him there was a handle on there before the cart went through the washer or else how would he have gotten into the car he said to bring him an estimate for the repiar. The Toyota dealer wanted 328.00 for parts and labor, rock auto wanted 24.98 for the OEM handle. I then went to car wash and spoke to the manager again and told him I was willing to install the part and save his company 300$. He told me he would pay me in free car washes? I have filed a claim with clark county small claims court