The technician that came to my house was professional and took the time to listen to me and before he started any repairs to what looks like an unrepairable problem he did both of us a favor and deemed the service call unrepairable and would call his office and make sure the account was noted in this manner. That's where all customer service STOPPED! Since that service call, that was a week ago, both myself and the appliance store have been trying to contact these morons and they have refused to answer my calls or return voice mails left by bot myself and the appliance store.
One more time the quality of customer service in Las Vegas has slid into the growing river of scum and those that really don't care any more. It's obvious that people trying to do business here in Vegas are not about customer service, client retention and those of a professional caring means of doing business.
Avoid using Volt Inc. for your appliance repairs or for any other reason.